Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Greydon and Lynn!

Last week I met with another couple in from out of town. They were one of the first couples to book for 2007 so while I was so excited to get to know them a bit, I was really bummed that I was going to have to wait a YEAR until I get to shoot their wedding!

After we were done shooting, Katie and I went out with Lynn and Greydon as well as Greydon's parents for dinner at Palazzios. It turns out Greydon's dad owns a landscaping company that has done tons of work throughout Santa Barbara including one of the parks that I often take people to shoot engagement sessions at. (They've also done lots of estates in Montecieto, as well as parts of Westmont, and most of State Street.) It was really amazing hearing some of the stories from 30 years of working here in Santa Barbara, different floods that have damaged the area, how they got started, etc. It was actually really inspiring, hearing just a little bit about the path one man's business has taken over the course of 30 years. I feel like my own business has so many stories and learned lessons after just 2 years! I can't imagine what it'll be like after 30! :)

Anyways, here are just a few of the 680 images we captured from the shoot! :)

1 comment:

Holritz Photography said...

love this stuff...

missed ya in vegas!

hi to katie!
