Thursday, July 06, 2006

Marcus and Kerry!

What an insane week! My dad travels all the time and I feel like I'm getting just a tiny glimpse of what his life is like! At the end of June we were out in Colorado visiting Katie's parents, we got back and then a few days later flew to Oregon to shoot Marcus and Kerry's wedding. We got back on Tuesday and now today (Thursday) I'm in San Francisco for the first of three weddings in three days starting tomorrow! :) Being on the road is nuts, but it's super fun to see new places.

Oregon was amazing. Not only does the Portland airport have FREE wireless, the state has no sales tax, and it's illegal to pump your own gas. How crazy is that?! We were in Sister's Oregon which is super small, but what it lacks in people, it is plentiful in beauty. I was seriously convinced I wanted to move there just flying into Redmond (near Sisters). We had a great couples days filled with river rafting, BBQs, touch football and of course the wedding! :)

Those of you who know the area up there know it's known for it's rain and unfortunately it didn't just rain the day of the poured. :) Combine that with the fact that the ceremony and the reception were outside and it wasn't the best circumstances we could have had, but as he always isy, God was good and even though we delayed the ceremony 20 mins or so we were able to get through it, as well as the pictures of Kerry and Marcus and their bridal party after the ceremony without getting too wet. It rained the first 20 mins or so of the reception as well before the sun came out and we had a beautiful reception. :)

On our way into Redmond, Oregon the pilot flew right over Mount Jefferson. I couldn't help but grab a few shots out the window. :)

Kerry and Marcus could not have picked a more beautiful spot to have as the backdrop to their ceremony. Behind them are the mountains known as the "Three Sisters."

My wife Katie was the maid of honor at the wedding and it was so cool to be able to photograph her. Usually she hate it when I try to take pictures of her, but at least this weekend I had an excuse!! She looked so beautiful!! (Of course Kerry did too!!) :) This was a great moment she and Kerry had right after the ceremony finished.

I love this shot of the guys. And yes, Marcus really is that much of a stud. :) The camera doesn't lie. :)

When we were taking the shots of Kerry and Marcus I could just tell any moment it was going to start pouring again. We were out in this field and I see lighting striking all over the place in the sky (I know I know....big open field and me standing in it with lightning....probably not the smartest thing ever, but......well..... Ok I have no good excuse.) :) Luckily neither myself or Kerry or Marcus died, but we did get some good shots!! :)


Jerry said...

Some fantastic backgrounds they got out there in Oregon eh? Awesome work as always!

Anonymous said...

is that nif i see in the background of those pictures? was she in the ceremony? great pictures chris. i'd love to come shoot with you sometime, now that i have my own camera!! hope all is well and that your busy weekend ended well. tell katie i said hi!


Rodolfo Arpia said...

I bet you didn't have problems with allergies up here huh!... lots of fresh air.
Great images!