250 gigs in a month!
So my general practice when it comes to storing my data is to put things on to 250 gig Lacie drives. I choose 250 gig cause I usually fill that up in about 2-3 months and then when I'm done I buy another one. (I also back up everything that hasn't been uploaded to Pictage to another backup hard drive as well). I figure that if a drive is going to fail, it probably won't fail in the first 2-3 months that I'm using it, and so far I've never had a problem. Last month though, I had so many weddings as well as being up at camp that I went through my whole 250 gig hard drive in about 4 weeks!!
I went to Mac Mechanic where I usually get these drives and they were all out of 'em!! So was pretty much every other place in Santa Barbara. So I had to settle for a 160 gig drive instead. :( Bummer, but hopefully that will last me at least a month cause this month isn't as busy as last month was.
I still remember when (like 10 years ago) my parents upgraded our computer hard drive to a 2 gigabite drive and my dad was laughing saying we would NEVER fill that much storage space up! I generally shoot about 18-20 gigs of images at a wedding and all of my cards are 2 gig cards. Can't believe how things change that fast!!