Thursday, August 10, 2006

250 gigs in a month!

So my general practice when it comes to storing my data is to put things on to 250 gig Lacie drives. I choose 250 gig cause I usually fill that up in about 2-3 months and then when I'm done I buy another one. (I also back up everything that hasn't been uploaded to Pictage to another backup hard drive as well). I figure that if a drive is going to fail, it probably won't fail in the first 2-3 months that I'm using it, and so far I've never had a problem. Last month though, I had so many weddings as well as being up at camp that I went through my whole 250 gig hard drive in about 4 weeks!!

I went to Mac Mechanic where I usually get these drives and they were all out of 'em!! So was pretty much every other place in Santa Barbara. So I had to settle for a 160 gig drive instead. :( Bummer, but hopefully that will last me at least a month cause this month isn't as busy as last month was.

I still remember when (like 10 years ago) my parents upgraded our computer hard drive to a 2 gigabite drive and my dad was laughing saying we would NEVER fill that much storage space up! I generally shoot about 18-20 gigs of images at a wedding and all of my cards are 2 gig cards. Can't believe how things change that fast!!


Holritz Photography said...

Chris! What's up man! Hope all is well!

- Nathan

Anonymous said...

Make you a deal. Some time this month I'll take you to CompUSA and show you a 500 gig hard drive. I think 750 gig externals are out too. I'm using a 300 gig drive.
The pictures went over incredibly well this weekend. Look forward to seeing the rest from the wedding, but no rush :)


|| davidjay || said...

Yea dawg! You rock!

Brett Austin said...

Chris... I must have just beaten you to the last 250GB drive. I just picked one of those up a couple of days back at the Mac Mechanic. Sorry 'bout that. But you're right, they are great drives!

Man... I remember when we got our first PC when I was growing up. It had a 40MB hard drive in it and that fit all of Windows 3.1 on it with plenty of games too! Can you imagine what we'll sound like to our kids someday!! Ha!