Thursday, November 17, 2005


I'm SOOOOOOO excited to announce that we have a VERY new cool feature to our website....


Some of you may know that we've been posting slideshows to our recent weddings on the web, but they haven't been linked in from anywhere. Now you can see the same slideshow that we show at the reception of any wedding on the web hopefully the next day.

Annie, my beloved web helper (and my fiancee's sister), and I have been slaving over this for a little while now (she really did all the work, I just watched), and it's just about good to go!

This is so cool because now couples can share their wedding pictures with people who weren't able to make the wedding the next day. PLUS, since I've been so behind on updating the blog about a few of our recent weddings, now you can see what we've been up to the last few weeks! As you can tell....we've been busy. :)

Soon, we'll have a direct link from the website to the slideshows as well so you can check them out from there.

Check it out!!


Anonymous said...

Chris, I'm so thrilled that you added this feature,. I'm starved for pictures all the way over here in Egypt,of all these events that you are shooting of people that I know and love! Your talent is just so captivating. Can't wait to be a part of your own celebration! And keep the pictures and updates coming, you have no idea how often I check to see what's new on the blog!
so much love,

Anonymous said...

Chris the slideshows are great! I was so inspired I downloaded the program myself. Every good idea deserves one in return so.... Just thought I'd share a great idea that I heard where some people are actually making these IPOD ready- so with the 30G IPOD they can play their weddings... kind of a neat idea for the cutting edge. I'm not sure what format they need to be, but it could be a new idea. I'm glad I stumbled onto your blog...small internet...