Thursday, September 01, 2005

Happy Birthday DJ!

Gosh, sorry I haven't posted on here for a while! I've been so busy with a bunch of small stuff!

A few days ago though, I got the AWESOME honor of helping throw David Jay a birthday party at Bogarts, our local hangout place. I really didn't do nearly as much work as most of the other people in the group, Dane, Sarah, Amy, Deyl, and Tim were the main players. I just cheered 'em on. :)

For those who don't know, David is one of the most talented photographers I've ever met. This wouldn't be THAT impressive if it weren't also for the fact that he's one of the smartest business people I've ever come across. This wouldn't even be all that cool, if it weren't ALSO for the fact that he's one of the nicest people I've ever known. The combination of all three of these traits and you see why David is quickly becoming one of the best wedding photographers in the United States. If you haven't checked out his stuff go to to see it. (He's also got probably the coolest website I've ever seen!) Whenever I think I'm good and need a good dose of reality, I check his stuff out and it puts me in my place!

The night was amazing. His mom sent us all this stuff from his childhood, Ninja books as well as a bunch of magic stuff, all things that he was into as a kid. I think the highlight was a video that he made when he was real young. Something about a magic gene. I'm not sure, I was laughing too hard through most of it! :)

Here's some pics from the night. If you look hard you'll see me in the first one. My buddy Dane took that one.

Notice the Krispy Creme cake. Espessially fitting for DJ. I think everytime I'm over at his apartment he's got at least one box sitting there in his kitchen!

What a night!

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