Thursday, March 01, 2007

Reddoor Rocks! :)

So as some of you know, we've been totally revamping all of our logo branding stuff the last few months and we've been using the coolest company, Reddoor Creative. We've had the best time getting to know Tim and Erik who own the company. We couldn't be happier with how things are going with them.

One thing that has really surprised me about the process is that in talking with them and answering their questions, Katie and I have had to really think about what our core values as a company are and why we exist and do what we do. It's been an amazing process that we've grown so much going through!

We just got some sample business cards in from them that we'll be taking out to Colorado for our wedding this weekend. These aren't final, but we're so excited about the direction we're heading.

We can't wait to show you all the final product in a few weeks. I've had tons of photographers asking for info on who is doing our branding and so I thought this would be a great time to give a shout out to Erik and Tim! You'll be hearing much more about them in the next few weeks as we finaliaze our designs....

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