Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Hobby Part....

Another photographer asked a great question not long ago on a photographer's forum that I visit quite frequently. The question was this "what is photography for you? Your hobby? Your job? Your life? etc etc." I thought about it for a while, and I guess I realized when something is your hobby and then it becomes your job, it sorta ceases to be your hobby. By no means does that mean that I don't enjoy what I do, it just means that because I do it all the time, and I do it for a living, that it doesn't have that laid back quality that you often attribute to a hobby. It's rare that I go out and shoot for "fun", even though I have fun just about every time I go out and shoot. So I decided with this weekend being a weekend off for me in terms of weddings and also Westmont's homecoming that I would go and shoot a soccer game "for fun." Shooting sports has always seemed a bit more of a hobby for me, since I've never done it for income and because I really enjoy it a lot! When I was a student at Westmont I would shoot a lot of sports games for the yearbook and newspaper and it was one of my favorite things to shoot. I'm also always inspired by one of my good friend's Jerry Lai from high school who now shoots for US Newswire and Northwestern University. So, I decided to go out rent a 300 f2.8 and have some fun for the afternoon! :)

This is one of my mentors Brad who was there at the game. He's Westmont's campus photographer and one of best photographers that I know. He was my photo teacher in college as well as my boss for another job that I had for my four years at Westmont and I owe so much of what I know and my style to him not to mention the passion that I have for my craft. Brad is one of the hardest working people I know and yet he cares so much about people as well. He is a geniune artist and I look up to him in so many ways so I had to get him up here. :)

I couldn't stay for much of the girl's game unfortunately, but here's a cool goalie shot.


|| davidjay || said...

You rock man! Those are awesome!

I was up the street at a wedding and I was so jealous b/c I wanted to be down at the game!!!

Anonymous said...

Great shots Chris!

Holritz Photography said...

Aaaah! The fun of photography! And top it all off with the greatest sport ever created!

- Nathan