Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bears Win! :)

Ok, while I don't talk much about it at least on here, I'm a huge Chicago Bears fan. Now must of my friends will point out that Katie and I don't have a TV and I live halfway across the country from Chicago so it might seem odd slightly odd that I would call myself a huge Bears fan, but I follow them the only way that I can....through the play by play feature on the NFL website! :) (it should be noted that Katie and I don't own a TV for personal reasons, not cause we can't afford one!) :)

Anyways, so the fact that the Bears beat the Saints today and are heading to the big game for the first time since I was 3 is a pretty huge deal. :) My mom called me up the minute the game finished and we had a mini was kinda funny cause she said that she was at a church retreat that was supposed to start this afternoon, but because of the game they decided to send everyone across the street to a local bar to watch the game?! LOL!

After the game ended I was surfing around different sports sites and was super thrilled to find
one of my friends images up on ESPN's site.

Jerry and I have known each other since high school. He stayed in the midwest and went to Northwestern to pursue a pre-med program but somehow along the way got hooked into photography and is now shooting for US Newswire as well as a few other organizations. He shoots tons of pro and college sports games and even shot the world series this last season. It's so funny that we both left high school knowing next to nothing about photography and are both now shooting at the professional level, (obviously however in totally different areas!) :) Of course, Jerry is doing all this AND still is still somehow in med school! I try to make it out to Chicago at least once a year to shoot a Northwestern game with Jerry, but now that Jerry is getting into the big time I'm gonna have to push him to get me into a Bears game. :)

Check out Jerry's blog soon and I'm sure he'll have some sweet images from the game up soon!

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Haha. Thanks for the shoutout!


PS. It's US Presswire, not US Newswire... it says so right in the byline. You even highlighted it! :-)